『i.e.』『 e.g.』『etc.』的正確用法
『i.e.』『 e.g.』『etc.』的正確用法 i.e. 是拉丁文 id est 的縮寫,它的意思就是“那就是說,換句話說”,等同於“that is,in other words” ,目的是用來進一步解釋前面所說的觀點。 e.g. 是拉丁文 exempli gratia 的縮寫,它的意思是“舉個例子,比如”,等同與“for example”,目的就是用幾個例子來說明前面的觀點。 etc.就比較好理解了,它是 etcetera 的縮寫,意思是“等等”,相當於“and so on” e.g. 和 etc. 不能出現在同一句話中,因為 e.g. 是表示泛泛的舉幾個例子,並沒有囊括所有的實例,其中就已經包含“等等”,如果再加一個 etc. 就畫蛇添足了,例如下面這句話就是錯的: Writing instructors focus on a number of complex skills that require extensive practice (e.g., organization, clear expression, logical thinking, etc.) 注意,用它們的時候,不要把“小點”給忘了~ 看看下面4句句子,你能說出哪些是正確的,哪些是錯誤的嗎? 1. The evaluation noted that the employee had frequently exhibited irresponsible behavior (i.e., coming to work late, failing to complete projects). 2. Writing instructors focus on a number of complex skills that require extensive practice (e.g., organization, clear expression, logical thinking, etc.) 3. The general rule is that if a number can be expressed in three words or fewer, it should be written out (e.g., two hundred seventy